Ephesians 4:1-13
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The Holy Spirit gives gifts with the purpose of unifying us and freeing us. (vs. 8)
All spiritual gifts, when properly used, build up the Church in some way.
1. being an apostle
needed by every generation- the planting and building of individual congregations
2. evangelism- people who share their faith in a way that naturally convinces people to receive Jesus
as Savior
3. pastor/teacher
pastor literally means “shepherd”- watch over a flock, seeing to it they are fed from God's Word, their
spiritual needs are being cared for, and they are equipped to minister to others.
4. administrator -must be able to understand the goals and be able to devise and execute
plans to carry out those goals
5. helps -increase the effectiveness of others in the use of their gifts
6. hospitality (I Peter 4:9; Heb. 13:1)- ability and willingness to provide an open house and welcome
for those in need of food, lodging or just fellowship.
7. intercession (I Timothy 2:1-8)- the one who sees frequent and specific answers to your prayers
8. craftsmanship- ability to use your hands, thoughts and mind to do the Lord's work, either by artistic
means, technological skills or even manual labor
9. music (II Chronicles 5:12) God turns that ability into a spiritual gift of encouragement, and teaching
and proclaiming the Word of God.