Psalms 25:6-15
a. agreeable, pleasant, or favorable
b. of high quality or value
c. being kind or gracious (Ps. 86:5; Nahum 1:7)
d. being upright or righteous (Ps. 25:6-8)
God is all of these.
1. God's goodness is infinite. (James 1:17)
Everything good is simply a gift from God.
We have taken the good gifts of God and chosen to use them as instruments of disobedience.
God extended Himself to the ultimate expression of goodness, (Romans 5:6-10) the gift of Jesus.
2. The goodness of God is eternal. (6)
He knew us before we were born and planned the good things He would give to us.
We can know that God has deep feelings, because He has chosen to reach into our lives and share them with us.
When a sinner repents, all of heaven rejoices; when a child of God falls into sin, the Holy Spirit grieves.
3. The goodness of God is immutable.
Bloesch- “God's love accepts the sinner as he is, but demands that the sinner change his ways.”
God is a God of wrath, because He is a God of goodness.