Matthew 1:1-17
1. The Gospel is not good advice, it is good news.
Christianity depends on a set of events that actually took place in history.
The core of Christianity is not what Jesus taught us to do, but rather what He would do for us.
2. Jesus is the center of history.
It was prophesied that from this family started by Abraham there would be a king named David, and through the line of David, a Messiah would come.
Matthew's target audience was the Jews, and his focus was on the truth that Jesus was a true king.
Luke's target audience was the Greeks, and his focus was on the fact that Jesus was human, as well as God.
3. Gospel theology is completely systematic and consistent.
Each of these divisions of 14 represents a different era in the history of the Jewish nation.
It was God's plan that the royal line was preserved, and out of obscurity, a human being would be born who would establish the throne of David forever.
4. The Gospel is for the outsider.
Jesus' genealogy is filled with outsiders of every kind, Morally, ethnically and gender-wise. That is to specifically show that the gospel is for everyone.