Psalms 99
Otto: Holiness is “wholly other.”
1. God is infinitely holy in majesty. (1-3)
That basically makes Him unapproachable.
He is holy in purity. He is totally set apart from any defect or stain.
He is holy in that there is a total excellence of morality . God hates sin!
2. God is eternally holy in His will.
What he has chosen to do is to have a relationship with us.
He made Himself approachable by imparting His holiness to us.
Acknowledging His holiness is not just the way we worship, but it is how we live. (II Peter 1:3)
3. God is immutably holy in His standard. (4)
Just because He offers us forgiveness for our sins does not mean that He can tolerate them. (Hab. 1:13)
Whatever God does is the right thing to do.
God never hesitates to do right.
God made it possible for us to share in His holiness.