II Corinthians 7:8-10
1. Legal guilt
We are born with a need of forgiveness.
This is more of an external thing.
2. Conviction of the Holy Spirit (internal)
Godly sorrow leads to salvation.
3. Worldly sorrow leads to death.
This guilt comes from Satan.
Ways we resolve our guilt
1. We justify ourselves.
2. We condemn ourselves.
3. We let Jesus remove it.
Guilt interferes with your relationship to God.
For the Christian, there is not a punishment of retribution.
God disciplines those He loves.
Colossians 2:13-14- Jesus took our certificate of debt and nailed it to the cross.
If we fail to confess our sins, we are choosing one of the wrong ways to deal with our feelings of guilt.
What we have is not a license to sin, but a license to serve.
If we take our sorrow and turn to God in repentance and trust, our sin and our guilt will be totally removed.