Psalm 23
141123_-_the_lord_will_provide.mp3 |
Not just is the Lord like a shepherd, He is my shepherd.
2. the necessities of life (2-3)
a. Material needs
b. Moral necessities
3. Strength through life (4)
“The Lord will provide” doesn't mean He will remove us from the valley.
rod- used for defense
staff- used for control
4. Abiding fellowship with Him forever (5-6)
God is a gracious Friend.
Fulfillment in Jesus
Need Psalm 23 Jesus
I lack rest green pastures Matt. 11:28
I lack refreshment still waters Matt. 11:29-30
I lack restoration restores my soul John 9:39
I lack guidance paths of righteousness John 16:13
I lack companionship Thou art with me John 15:15
I lack comfort rod and staff II Cor. 1:3-4
I lack provision prepared table Matt. 6:33
I lack satisfaction cup overflows John 10:10
I lack a home house of the Lord John 14:3