Hebrews 5:1-10
1. a symbol of spiritual progress
The actions of the priest
1. draw near to God by offering a sacrifice
2. intercede for man in prayer and supplication
Jesus as our high priest
1. selected from among men (5:1)
2. training (5:7-8)
3. sympathy (4:15)
4. present a perfect offering (5:3,9)
5. came only by divine appointment (5:4-5)
Priesthood after the order of Melchizadek (5:6, 10)
1. only person who was priest and king
2. king of righteousness, king of peace (7:1-2)
3. a priest of forever (7:3)
Distinct from the priesthood of Aaron
1. a better covenant (8:5-7)
2. a better sanctuary (9:1-9, 11)
3. a better sacrifice (10:3-4, 11-12)
Christmas is the proclamation that Scriptures have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ.