Matthew 5:8; II Corinthians 7:1
Biblical purity
1. divine purity – holiness of God
2. positional purity – holiness that God imputes to us
3. practical purity (II Cor. 7:1; I Peter 1:14; I John 3:3)
False strategies to gain purity
1. legalism (Phairisees)
2. modernism (Saducees)
3. activism (Zealots)
4. monasticism (early church)
5. asceticism (later church)
True Christianity isn't a matter of reformed behavior, but allowing Jesus to live His life in and through us.
What is the condition of your heart?
1. broken heart?
2. hard heart?
3. divided heart?
What you can do
1. Be real with God.
2. Identify sin for what it is.
3. Search the Scriptures.