I Corinthians 3:10-17
a. In the beginning it was the Garden of Eden.
b. In Abraham's day, it was the altar.
c. In Moses' day, it was the tabernacle.
d. During the monarchy, it was the temple.
e. In Jesus's day, it was Jesus.
f. In the church age, it is in the body of the believer.
2. Our bodies are the link between the spiritual dimension and the world around us. (I Corinthians 6:16; Luke 11:24)
a. What we do while we are in this body determines our eternal reward .(II Corinthians 5:10)
b. If you are saved, you have the foundation. (10-11)
c. Once you are saved, it is up to you to build upon that foundation. (12-15)
d. Some people spend their Christian lives doing things that are earthly and temporary.
e. Others spend their time doing things with eternal and spiritual value.
3. For whatever dwelling place of God we are talking about, a sacrifice was necessary for that place to be sanctified.
4. Christians must present their bodies as living sacrifices. (Romans 12:1)
What does that mean? (I Corinthians 6:18)
a. Honor God with your body.
b. Any addiction is a sin against your own body.
c. God has given us boundaries for these mortal bodies.