John 18:33-37
1. The uniqueness of Christ's birth
The theological word to describe this mystery is not creation, but incarnation.
The origin of the Messiah who appears in Bethlehem is from eternal. (Micah 5:2; John 8:56-59; John 1:1-3;
John 1:14, Philippians 2:6; Hebrews 1:1-3)
2. The purpose of Christ's birth
to testify to the truth
a. in revealing God, Jesus glorified His Father
b. to give eternal life
3. The necessity of our response
to be on the side of truth
Only some hear His words as being true. (John 7:17; 10:26-27, 8:47; 6:65; 3:19-21)
This beloved information about the birth of a baby is given to us so that we:
a. can know the truth about who Jesus is;
b. so we can believe that truth;
c. and by believing, we can have life in His name.