Psalms 33:8-15

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The wisdom of God is the essence of who He is.
Wisdom implies two things
a. the choice of the highest end
b. the choice of the best means to secure that end
a. God picked out the best possible solution to the world's biggest problem, the problem of sin.
b. God chose the best possible ways to secure that goal.
a. gave us the law so we could see how sinful we are
b. sent prophets to point us to the coming Savior
c. emptied Himself in giving His Son Jesus.
d. sent His Holy Spirit to indwell and empower us
1. God's wisdom is infinite (Ps. 147:5)
God knows everything there is to know about everything. (I Cor. 1:24)
2. God's wisdom is eternal. (Isaiah 46:8-11; Ps 33:11-15; Ps. 56:8)
God sees things as a whole and not just the individual parts.
3. God's wisdom is immutable. (Phil 4:6; I Peter 5:7)
Buswell - “God has built the answer to our prayers into the very structure of the universe.”