Isaiah 12:1-6
(Isaiah 12:1-6)
Getting Right=Repentance
Living Right= Holiness
Staying Right= Perseverance
Thinking Right= Gratitude
1. God comforts you with forgiveness . (vs. 1)
God can replace the pain of your sin with the comfort of His mercy.
2. God gives you strength in your weakest moments. (vs. 2)
Salvation isn't just about the sweet by and by, it is about our lives today.
Exhortations to not be afraid: Psalm 27:1; Jeremiah 1:8; John 14:27; I Peter 5:7, Mark 5:36
3. God is never far away. (vs. 4-6)
Your prayer doesn't have to travel across the universe for Him to hear it.
Gratitude is the key to a rewarding life.