John 5:24-29
something to be laid down
zoe - quality of life
John's view of “life”
1. Life is eternal. (5:28-29; 10:10; 4:14; 4:36; 6:27)
Everybody continues to exist, even after his body dies.
The only way to have true quality of life if to be given a brand new life.
2. Life is a possession of God. (1:4; 5:26; 6:33; 14:6; 11:25; I John 1:2; 5:20)
The only way to have eternal life is to belong to God through Jesus Christ. 5:39-40; 17:2-3;
3:36; I John 5:11-12; John 20:31)
3. Life is sacred.
If your earthly life is not held as sacred, you are degrading the value of eternal life as well.
Jesus became both the victim and the offerer of the sacrifice for our sins. (6:51, 53; 5:24)
We must die to ourselves in order to cross over from death to life. (John 12:25)