Ephesians 6:10-12
Sit (chap 1-3)
Walk (4:1-6:9)
Stand (6:10-24)
1. Our struggle in spiritual warfare (12)
a. Our struggle is real.
b. Our struggle is personal.
c. Our struggle is supernatural.
d. Our struggle is against powerful enemies.
e. Our struggle has serious implications.
Satan's schemes:
#1 Diversion
#2. Division
#3. Deception
2. Our power in spiritual warfare (10)
a. The enemy defeats us when we rely on our own power.
b. We defeat the enemy when we rely on God's power.
3. Our protection in spiritual warfare. (11)
a. Put on the whole armor of God.
b. Protection requires making a stand.
Remember we have been delivered.
Remember we can't just send demons away.
We defeat the enemy by being filled with the Spirit.
Remember we are strongest when we are weakest.