Deuteronomy 1:6-8
Progressive stages
1. Routine
2. Rut
3. Rot
Inward Hindrances to Moving On
1. Concern for our Comfort (Amos 6:4-6)
The healthiest thing God can do for us is to shake up our roots and put us in new soil.
2. Fear
We would rather hold on to what we have, than trust our future to God. (Psalm 91:9-10)
3. Tendency to live in the past
Lingering in the past, however good or bad, is not worth the risk of God moving on without you.
4. Maintaining the same attitudes that have caused us to fail before
The children of Israel allowed a critical spirit to stall out their spiritual growth. (Phil. 2:14)
The Outward Call
Our mission- to reach a lost and dying community for Him.
Our problem- we have gone to sleep on the job.