Luke 19:12-27
Our physical attributes run into the spiritual realm
1. We all have a mind.
Most of our spiritual failures are due to unbelief, or cynicism, or skepticism. (I Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 4:8)
2. We all have eyes.
When we look unto Jesus, we then see with God's eyes. (John 9:39)
3. We all have ears.
We are stewards of the truth. (Matthew 13:11)
4. We all have a voice.
You exercise your spiritual voice by how you represent your Lord in your church and community.
(Psalm 105:2)
5. We all have hands.
For spiritual work to be done, there needs to be that spirit of cooperation and participation.
(Ecclesiastes 9:10)
6. We all have feet.
If you fail to live your life walking by faith, you may find that you don't have anything to take you onward. (Isaiah 52:7)