Romans 8:23-25
Biblical examples:
Abraham – wiated 24 years
Jews in Egypt- waited 400 years
Jews in the wilderness- waited 40 years
Jews in exile – waited 70 years
Messiah- recognized only by those who were waiting for Him
-Simeon- waiting for the consolation of Israel
-Anna – looking forward to (waiting for) the the redemption of Jerusalem
What God does in us while we wait is as important as what it is we are waiting for. (Rom. 3:3-5)
Biblical waiting is not passively waiting around for what will allow you to escape from your trouble.
Three requirements
1. Waiting on the Lord requires patient trust.
Often we want God's resources, but we don't want His timing. (II Peter 3:8-9)
2. Waiting on the Lord requires confident humility.
Prayer is the form that waiting on God takes.
God never panics.
3. Waiting on the Lord requires inextinguishable hope. (8:24)
Isaiah 40:30-31- they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.