Genesis 42:35-38; 43:8-9
1. Benjamin was the object of his father's special love.
Much of how history plays itself out hinges on the fact of God's love for mankind. (I John 3:1)
2. Benjamin was temporarily separated from his father, and there was the danger of that being
Our sin is contrary and opposite of everything that God is. (Ephesians 2:12)
3. Benjamin bore the evidence of guilt.
We are born with a sinful nature. (Jeremiah 17:9; Genesis 6:5, Romans 7:25)
All we have to do is look in a mirror to see we bear the evidence of guilt.
4. A pledge was given for Benjamin's security.
Judah was his intercessor and deliverer.
Our intercessor and deliverer, Jesus, is the Lion of Judah. (II Peter 1:3; I John 2:1)
5. Benjamin continued to cleave unto Judah.
We need to be totally dependent on Jesus' might and power. (John 15:5-7)