Colossians 2:8-16
Christianity- only Jesus Christ can fix us.
In Christ we have:
1. The Fullness of God (8-10)
When you have a relationship with Christ, you have all that God has to offer.
2. Forgiveness of sins (12-13)
You and I can extend forgiveness, or choose forgiveness, but we cannot offer it. (Romans 3:23, I John 1:9)
3. Freedom from the law. (14)
The law refuses to grade on the curve. (James 2:10)
When you accept Christ as Savior, you are no longer judged by your ability to keep the law. You are judged by the righteousness of Christ.
The law is no longer a threat; it is a goal.
Now when we sin, we are forgiven; but the idea is to get back up and try again, and to keep trying until we are holy.