Colossians 1:1-8
The values and trends of today reflect a sense of pessimism.
Overcoming Pessimism
1. Following Jesus gives you a spring of hope. (3-5)
Paul uses hope as a synonym for sensible optimism.
We go through life not knowing specifically how things will turn out, but we can know generally.
When we build our lives upon hope in the goodness of Christ, that sense of optimism generates faith.
2. Following Jesus gives you a handle on the truth. (6a)
The difference Christianity offers the world is that we believe that truth exists.
In this age of moral relativity, people can justify their sin.
Because people don't believe there is a truth they can grab hold of, they don't have anything to base their lives on.
3. Following Jesus gives you the ability to get results. (6b)
The gospel is not merely a social program, it is the power of God to change people's lives forever.
Following Christ makes despair obsolete.