Deuteronomy 3:21-28
You need to be careful of prayers you make when you are discouraged, angry, or upset.
Psalm 37:4
Are you willing to accept the answer “no” from God, believing He has something greater in mind than
you could ever think to ask for?
2. God may say “Slow,” because the timing of your prayer may not be right.
God has a much broader perspective than we do and we can know that His timetable is best.
3. God may say “Grow,” because you are not right. (James 1:6-8)
God may allow you to go through a certain trial so you can be strengthened in your faith.
He may withhold certain blessings because He knows you are not ready to deal with it.
None of us has reached a level of spiritual maturity where we no longer need to grow.
4. God may say “Go,” because everything is right.
You can always pray, expecting God to answer “yes.”
God says “yes” far more often than He says “no.”
Most of the time we don't realize it, we don't believe it, or we just don't act on it.
Psalms 37:23-40