Psalms 13:1-6
Practicing the presence of God
1. Assume God's presence and do what you know you should do. (vs. 5)
To assume is not the same as to presume upon God.
Continue spiritual habits whether you feel like it or not.
2. Cling to what you know is true. (vs. 6a)
You don't have to pretend to feel things that you don't really feel.
Search your heart and mind for those things which you know to be true.
3. Keep singing praises to God. (vs. 6b)
Praise is an act of faith, not of feelings.
It is usually thoese who aren't close to God to begin with who will question God at the time of tragedy.
For those committed to Christ, the times of feeling that God is far away come during normal, but difficult stages of life.