Joshua 7:1-5

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1. The Danger of Sin (1-5)
Achan decided to ignore God's instructions.
God removed His blessing from the nation.
Difficult times are most difficult to face when you fail to see them coming.
When there is sin in the Church, the whole Body suffers.
2. The Necessity of Confession (6-7; 10-14; 19-26)
God's lack of help wasn't an indication that God wouldn't help.
God probably didn't tell Joshua who was guilty because He was giving Achan a chance to confess.
Achan's theft was inspired by greed, not by need.
3. The Blessing of Forgiveness (8:1-3; 25-27)
When forgiveness is given, God encourages us to move on.
God often gives us what we want, but He does it on His timetable.
God's work done His way will never lack blessing.